Madagascar Private Armed Security Services

from $299.00

  • Location: Antananarivo, All
  • Product code: MTTsecurity

Madagascar Private Armed Security Services

We can provide all of the following services a la carte for you in Madagascar during your trip, mission, or project on the ground:

CONTACT US HERE - Click here to discuss emergencies or a custom deployment, mission, survey, team, or pilot project.

1. Latest and well-maintained 4x4's including fuel, insurance, and all associated fees (used for tech and oil firms, embassies, diplomats and VVIP's, even 2 Prime Ministers.)

2. Sliding door bus or minivan including fuel, insurance, and all associated fees.

3. English speaking guide and a minder/fixer who is very well connected in Tana all the way north to Diego and South to Tulear, even with Generals of the Malagasy Army, the government, and G4S. Additional specialists are available from tech, oil, mining, intelligence, maritime, aviation, antipiracy, banking, and disaster relief sectors.

4. Security with 1 troop vehicle (team of 4-8 soldiers depending on regionor 2 assault carriers (military professionals) - recommended for travel more than 50km out of town for valuable industrial cargo or commodities, and for certain areas of Madagascar. 

5. Military with the client crew in Madagascar by foot options (3 to 4) too if you want the minimum armed escort. They would need another SUV for this only. These are local professional security officers, and not under another subcontracted private firm. They know how to scout and fire back, and are more practiced at giving chase rather than "guard"-ing for security "theatre."

6. Elite Private Security Force: including lots of scouting and experience with the deep wilderness, kidnapping, planting spies for wildlife and human trafficking/organized crime busting, and urban mobility every direction in Africa and Madagascar, and all cultures and contexts; These are including serious personal guards for the Prime Ministers of Japan and former US Vice Presidential Candidates and US Marine Corps Leadership in travel; US military base perimeter defense, INTERPOL; Kidnapping negotiations; Central Africa Evacuation in civil wars and cold war commands ' Eurasian Intelligence backgrounds.

These task forces are hired for 10 day blocks minimum including setup and scouting. More is not necessary unless you request, and then is pro-rated at regressive discounts. Discussion and advance meetings are encouraged.

*You do not have to pay their food and we arrange for $30 per member per day as by law now to avoid graft. It is obtained from the ministry for travel and they are not allowed to ask you for food, cigarettes, beer, etc.... In other words, budget up to $150 per day on top of the fee.

**all prices in USD and subject to 5.5% taxes and fees.  

MTT uses trained and focused private security professionals, far superior in skill and more severe in attitude and subtle in movement than standard gate or night guards from most Madagascar firms. We do not subcontract to small, inexperienced people or firms. They are paid well for their experience and sober focus on actual security, not security theatre, and all know how to fire back and give chase in real combat, how to elude detection in the Madagascar cityscape, how to elevate to crises crack forces in the event of an ambush, and know to keep a low profile for clients and cargo. Our vehicles have strict maintenance regimes and excellent drivers, and we can employ scouts and intel feelers and fixers ahead for an additional cost as well. 

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“Sasha, just wanted to Thank You for all the work you did for us on our trip to Madagascar. The trip was magical and our Guide/ driver Toky was wonderful, was extremely knowledgeable and helpful and made a special attempt to make sure our 2 sixteen year old Grandsons had a Memorable experience. Our driver ZU was an excellent driver and we appreciated his efforts to communicate in English. Madagascar is a wonderful diverse country and I would not hesitate to recommend Madagascar Travel and Tours.”

- Carolyn Galvin and Grandsons, Madagascar Cuisine and Culture Custom Tour, 2018. Back to America



We are the actual suppliers for most top-10 security firms, same protocols and provisions, at typically 30-80% less of the cost of their sticker, which our staff and vendors wear to appear as if “they are running” things.


1.1 The provision of protective security services to personnel travelling or permanently posted is required when operating or visiting a location specified as requiring enhanced security and safety measures. Services could be required for a few days, several months or on a longer term contractual basis.

1.2 Resources for service are to be agreed for each task order. They shall be established based on the threat picture, operational requirements and the risk appetite. Services provided must be sourced to meet the contractual and task order requirements. The requirements are outline below for each Service is the minimum level acceptable, in addition to complying with the wider tender personnel and legal requirements within the SoW. Requirements and standards of delivery expected can be enhanced within the task order.

1.3 Overview of Personnel Protective Services that may be required for travellers and permanently based personnel in locations requiring enhanced security and safety measures:

1.4 The Contractor must be able to support services in semi and non-permissive environments, examples of locations are highlighted in Annex A of the SOW. Contractor must be clear in their bid where they do or do not operate, including highlighting if services are via local sub-contractors. They will also indicate which countries they and their sub-contractors are legally authorised to deliver service, including what permits are held, e.g. carriage of firearms.


2.1 The meet and greet service will:

  • Have developed relationships with the airport security functions and management.
  • Be able to meet arriving personnel airside.
  • Be able to facilitate the traveller through immigration, including the use of VIP lounges and protocols.
  • Be able to collect and arrange delivery of luggage to the traveller’s accommodation, including customs clearance as required.
  • Be able to hand over personnel to any other supporting element.
  • Be able to facilitate accommodation at the airport if other supporting elements are delayed or there is a change in the threat picture.
  • Collect travellers from the departures drop zone and facilitate their passage through the airport until the departure lounge. This includes seeking priority and use of VIP lounges and protocol as required.
  • Be able to arrange airport side access and drop off for VIPs and in emergency cases.

2.2 The driver and soft skin vehicle will be used for travellers in semi-permissive locations in a similar theme to that offered by hotel transportation. The service will:

  • Drivers will hold an appropriate driving licence for the vehicle and have extensive driving experience in moving business executives.
  • It is desirable for the drivers to hold advance driving qualifications and a medical qualification.
  • Drivers will have extensive ground knowledge and understanding of road rules and regulations.
  • Drivers will not have a criminal record or repeat driving violations.
  • Drivers will be fit to drive having not consumed alcohol or drugs and be suitably rested to complete the task.
  • Drivers will drive safely at all times and abide by speed limits.
  • Drivers will understand protocol requirements and hold the confidentiality of any overheard conversation.
  • Vehicles are to be serviceable, clean and of a standard befitting the requirement e.g. saloon or 4×4 at an executive level. On occasion the use of low-profile vehicles may be requested.
  • The vehicle shall have a medical kit (including pressure bandages and tourniquet) and full running kit and spare tire.
  • Provide a security update on any security situation changes to the client.
  • Be connected to local security alerting network.

2.3 The local logistical and administrational support will be able to support:

  • Visa applications.
  • Accommodation or venue bookings.
  • Property searches.
  • Attend low level meetings to arrange logistical requirements.
  • Shopping for food and water, especially during changing security situations.
  • Support custom clearance for Import/export of goods e.g. weapons systems or vehicles.
  • The support will:
    • Have developed relationships with the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior.
    • Be able to speak the local languages and English to a proficient standard.
    • Understand protocol skills.
    • Be proficient in communicating in English via email
    • Have a high degree of confidentiality.
    • Have communication systems via GSM, Satellite and the internet.
  • Translation skills desirable


3.1 Mobile protective security services will provide the provision of armed/unarmed Close Protection (CP) Services for temporary or permanent requirements within semi or non-permissive environments. The approach and make-up of the required Service support will be described in the Purchase Task Order (PTO) and supporting its documentation. The Service must be able to support all of the following:

  • Driver/escort and B6 armoured vehicles.
  • Unarmed Host Country Nationals (HCN) Close Protection Team (CPT) with soft skin or B6 armoured vehicles.
  • Armed HCN CPT with NATO countries and/or non-NATO European countries (NNMSC) Team Leader (TL), with B6 armoured vehicles.
  • Unarmed or Armed Third Country National (TNC) CPT with NNMSC TL, with B6 armoured vehicles.
  • NNMSC (only) CPT, with B6 armoured vehicles.

3.2 Drivers will comply with paragraph 2.2 requirements, in addition they shall:

  • Have undertaken an armoured vehicle driving course.
  • Have completed a defensive driving package.

3.3 Armoured vehicles shall:

  • Be under 5 years old, fully registered within the country of use.
  • Be serviceable and maintained to manufacturer’s recommendation.
  • Have a minimum armoured level of B6, as per ERV 2010 – Blast protection certification.
  • Comply with a current NATO member state’s manufacturers standard or equivalent, such as:
    • Vehicle Security Advisory Group (VASG) – A British Standard for armoured car construction and testing.
    • National Institute for Justice (NIJ) – The American National Institute of Justice certification for armoured vehicles.
    • BR – DIN EN 1063.
    • FB – DIN EN 1522/23.
  • Have a satellite enabled tracking and communication system.
  • Carry securely:
    • Emergency B6 entry tools.
    • Advanced medical trauma bag (AED desirable).
    • Spare wheel and change equipment.
    • Emergency rations and water.

3.4 Close Protection Team Service shall:

  • Be compliant with international and local laws and legislation governing the use of weapon systems and the protection of civilians. Proof shall be presented in the bid and within task orders service delivery.
  • Have clearly defined rules of engagement (RoE) that meet host nation (within the country that services are being delivered) and international law requirements.
  • Be able to undertake threat and risk assessments prior and during Service delivery.
  • Provide threat briefings prior to all tasks, both mobile and static
  • Be able to conduct route and venue reconnaissance.
  • Be surveillance aware.
  • Be able to undertake operational planning and produce comprehensive plans.
  • Apply foot close protection drills.
  • Apply mobile close protection drills.
  • Have at least one team member with a trauma medical certification.
  • Be a cohesive and well drilled team.
  • Undertake frequent and diverse CP related training (e.g. close protection drills, range practices, client recovery etc…), training records of achievement are to be held for 3 years.
  • Be able to undertake searching of a people, vehicles and buildings.
  • Be able to react to and manage critical incidents.
  • Have a CPT TL with a minimum of ten years’ experience within CP.
  • Have developed Action On’s to deal with foreseen events.
  • Be able to provide a 24/7 coverage.
  • Have an operations room monitoring and ongoing movement and events, capable of managing alerts and incidents.

3.5 Close Protection Officers (CPO) shall be professionally trained, they will:

  • Have formal close protection training and preferred to hold a company or national close protection licence.
  • Hold a First Person on Scene (FPOS) or equivalent standard medical certification.
  • Have excellent inter-personal and client protocol skills.
  • Have excellent ground knowledge of the operational area.
  • Be able to confidently brief VIPs and have a high level of protocol skills.
  • Be proficient in the use of firearms, including Rules of Engagement and carriage requirements.
  • Have an understanding of conflict management, especially conflict avoidance; defusing of conflict; conflict resolution.
  • Have received training on all equipment that they are using.
  • Have a firm understanding of CP tactics for the location specific security environments.
  • Be able to drive the vehicle in use.
  • All CPO personal equipment (e.g. comms, weapons, etc…) shall be covered within the daily rate of a CPO.

3.6 In-Country Security manager. The in-country security manager/coordinator will be able to:

  • Have a ground network of local security incident alerting.
  • Be able to conduct effective liaison with local stakeholders, especially law enforcement, intelligence service and medical service providers.
  • Be able to manage the overall security delivery within the area of operations.
  • Be able to manage critical security incident and crisis situations.
  • Be the key interface with POC, having clear procedures of when to contact the POC.